I forgot my password
If you forgot your password, follow these easy steps:
go on Vialma's homepage and click on "log in"
right below the log in form, you'lll see the "forgot password" link
click on it and fill in your email address: you'll be sent an automatic password renewal email.
beware: if you own several email addresses, be sure to fill in the one that's linked to your Vialma account !
if you're still struggling, contact us at info@vialma.com
go on Vialma's homepage and click on "log in"
right below the log in form, you'lll see the "forgot password" link
click on it and fill in your email address: you'll be sent an automatic password renewal email.
beware: if you own several email addresses, be sure to fill in the one that's linked to your Vialma account !
if you're still struggling, contact us at info@vialma.com
Updated on: 20/04/2021
Thank you!